By B&H Espanol Editorial Staff [Editor]

RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes edicion letra grande, piel fabricada y mosaico crema y azul (Spanish Edition)

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Availability: 9 in stock
Condition: New from publisher
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Publisher: B&H Espanol
ISBN: 9781535902199
Type: Hardcover

Ahora en edición letra grande, la RVR 1960 Biblia de Apuntes, provee espacio de casi 4 centímetros para tomar notas en cada página, observaciones, anotar pensamientos, formular preguntas y sugerencias para exploración adicional en el texto.

Now on large print edition, the RVR Notetaking Bible has an abundant space is provided with a 1.75 inch note taking space on each page to make observations, record insights, raise questions, and suggest to yourself additional exploration of the text.
Regular price $28.50
Regular price $42.99 Sale price $28.50