Collection: About Us

Welcome to our bookstore in this corner of the internet. Anytime you come upon a new website like ours, you are right to wonder about it. Let us tell you our story...
About 20 years ago, Heather started a small online book store just after college. At the very beginning, she could fit all the books in the trunk of her car and travel to visit her sisters where they lived. While that also seemed like a questionable business model, the business grew and her sister Natalie (me!) joined in. Eventually we rented a warehouse and expanded from selling on Amazon and Ebay to our own site,
Inventory has ballooned to over 200,000 books! We are especially glad to offer people and churches books they want for some of the best prices on the internet.
Thanks for stopping by!
Natalie & Heather

Heather Welch
Founder & Warehouse Manager
Heather reads a lot. With a degree in literature and counseling, she loves books. When she is not getting your orders to you, you can find her preparing her ladies Bible studies or working with international students.

Natalie Morris
Purchasing & Website
Natalie reads out of necessity to gain wisdom in the hard areas of life, particularly parenting and combating clutter. When she is not buying books or doing website work, she is managing homework and other aspects of being a mom.