By Lewis, C. S.

Como orar: Reflexiones y ensayos (Spanish Edition)

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Availability: 2 in stock
Publisher: Grupo Nelson
ISBN: 9781400233427
Type: paperback

Las ideas de C. S. Lewis sobre el cristianismo y sus reflexiones sobre la vida cristiana contin?an gui?ndonos a?n m?s de cincuenta a?os despu?s de su muerte. C?mo orar muestra la sabidur?a perdurable de Lewis sobre la oraci?n y su lugar en nuestra vida diaria.

Cultivado a partir de sus numerosos ensayos, art?culos y cartas, as? como de sus obras cl?sicas, C?mo orar, proporciona sabidur?a pr?ctica e instrucci?n para ayudar a los lectores a nutrir sus creencias espirituales y abrazar la oraci?n en todas sus formas. Si bien a muchas personas les gustar?a hablar con Dios, a menudo no saben c?mo empezar. Lewis las gu?a a trav?s de la pr?ctica, iluminando el significado de la oraci?n y por qu? es fundamental para la fe.

How to Pray

The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God?prayer?in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings.

Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don?t know how to begin. Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.

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