By Shepherd, Linda Evans

Winning Your Daily Spiritual Battles: Living Empowered by the Armor of God

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Availability: 5 in stock
Condition: New with remainder mark
Publisher: Revell
ISBN: 9780800727093
Type: Paperback

This inspirational book shows Christians the weapons God has given them to win their spiritual battles and achieve their God given purposes.

Unpacks the Armor of God and Shows Christians How to Break Free from the Chains That Hold Them Back

God has created each person with purpose and potential, so why are so many of us fighting the same old battles instead of living the life he intends for us? God has already provided all of the weapons we need in order to find success in every area of life. It's time to learn how to use them.

Linda Evans Shepherd shows readers how to break the chains of the enemy by putting on the full armor of God described in Ephesians 6. Shepherd explains the function of each piece of armor and offers readers deep insight into why they feel resistance when they try to find and follow their purpose. She shows readers how using the full armor of God will help them win their spiritual battles to live a victorious life now.

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