By Nystrom, Carolyn

Thomas à Kempis: Imitating Jesus (Christian Classics Bible Studies)

Regular price $8.60
Regular price Sale price $8.60
Availability: 1 in stock
New: New and unused.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830820825
Type: paperback

Many have drawn closer to Christ through the writings of Thomas à Kempis. In à Kempis’s The Imitation of Christ you will find a gracious invitation to follow the path that Jesus has walked ahead of you. This classic Christian work covers key topics of vibrant spiritual life: conforming your life to Christ’s, living with humility, keeping a pure conscience and friendship with Jesus.

As you work through Carolyn Nystrom’s Christian Classics Bible Study based on à Kempis’s thought and teaching, you’ll have the opportunity to grapple with Scripture and reflect on how you can draw closer to Christ.

Regular price $8.60
Regular price Sale price $8.60