By Lee, Nicky; Lee, Sila

The Marriage Course DVD Revised and Updated

Regular price $28.00
Regular price Sale price $28.00
Availability: 1 in stock
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Inc
ISBN: 9780310116714
Type: DVD

Nicky and Sila Lee present the seven sessions which make up The Marriage Course. Their talks are interspersed with thoughts from couples who have taken the course, as well as street interviews and marriage insights from around the world.

Today we are facing a global crisis when it comes to families. Marriages are under more pressure than ever. Many children are growing up without experiencing the security of their parents' love and commitment to each other?and consequently are finding it harder to receive God's unconditional love. There is an urgent need to invest in marriage and family life, for strong societies are built on strong families, and strong families are built on strong marriages.

The Marriage Course, developed by Nicky and Sila Lee of Alpha, has been revised and updated to provide practical tools to help couples at every stage of their relationship. This update includes talks from experts including Dr. Gray Chapman, Dr. Henry Cloud, and Dr. Sue Johnson on topics such as money, sex, love languages, healthy boundaries, and building connections. The course will also cover how couples can:

  • Better understand each other's needs
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Grow closer by learning methods to resolve conflicts
  • Recover from the way they may have hurt each other
  • Recognize how their upbringing has affected their relationship
  • Improve relationships with parents and in-laws

The Marriage Course is based on a Christian understanding of love and serves to strengthen marriages within the church while being accessible for all couples from any cultural background, with or without a background in the Christian faith.


  1. Building Strong Foundations
  2. The Art of Communication
  3. Resolving Conflict
  4. The Power of Forgiveness
  5. The Impact of Family?Past and Present
  6. Good Sex
  7. Love in Action

This DVD includes a Leader?s Guide. The Leader?s Guide is also sold separately. This DVD is a full English/Spanish product.


El DVD del Curso para Parejas revisado y actualizado

Hoy nos enfrentamos a una crisis mundial en lo que respecta a las familias. Los matrimonios est?n bajo m?s presi?n que nunca. Muchos ni?os crecen sin experimentar la seguridad del amor y el compromiso mutuos de sus padres y, como consecuencia, les resulta m?s dif?cil recibir el amor incondicional de Dios. Existe una necesidad urgente de invertir en el matrimonio y la vida familiar, porque las sociedades s?lidas se basan en familias s?lidas y las familias s?lidas se basan en matrimonios s?lidos.

El Curso para Parejas, desarrollado por Nicky y Sila Lee de Alpha, ha sido revisado y actualizado para proporcionar herramientas pr?cticas para ayudar a las parejas en cada etapa de su relaci?n. Esta actualizaci?n incluye charlas de expertos como el Dr. Gray Chapman, el Dr. Henry Cloud y la Dra. Sue Johnson sobre temas como el dinero, el sexo, los lenguajes del amor, los l?mites saludables y la construcci?n de conexiones. El curso tambi?n cubrir? c?mo las parejas pueden:

  • Entender mejor las necesidades de los dem?s
  • Comunicarse de manera m?s eficaz
  • Acercarse aprendiendo m?todos para resolver conflictos.
  • Recuperarse de la manera en que se hayan podido lastimar el uno al otro
  • Reconocer c?mo su educaci?n ha afectado su relaci?n.
  • Mejorar las relaciones con los padres y los suegros

El Curso para Parejas se basa en una comprensi?n cristiana del amor y sirve para fortalecer los matrimonios dentro de la iglesia, al mismo tiempo que es accesible para todas las parejas de cualquier origen cultural, con o sin antecedentes en la fe cristiana.


  1. Construyendo Cimientos S?lidos
  2. El Arte de la Comunicaci?n
  3. Resoluci?n de Conflictos
  4. El Poder del Perd?n
  5. El Impacto de la familia: pasado y presente
  6. Una Vida Sexual Saludable
  7. Amor en Acci?n

Este DVD incluye una gu?a para l?deres. La Gu?a del l?der tambi?n se vende por separado. Este DVD es un producto completo en ingl?s / espa?ol.

Regular price $28.00
Regular price Sale price $28.00