By Alexander, Jack; Keller, Timothy [Foreword]

The God Guarantee: Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

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Availability: 1 in stock
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 9780801075285
Type: Paperback

Do you have enough... resources, time, love, relationships, margin?
Most of us would live, love, and give differently if we knew God would provide for all our needs. In The God Guarantee, you will
· discover God's four-step pattern of provision
· understand how a secularized worldview exacerbates the wealth-poverty gap
· see how to avoid both a scarcity mind-set rooted in fear and a faulty prosperity gospel
· learn how to improve your intimacy with the God who provides
You can find freedom from the fear of not having enough!
"Jack's insightful, helpful volume... will send you to your knees."-- Timothy Keller, chairman of Redeemer City to City;author of The Reason for God
"Great books create a 'paradigm shift' in my mind to see life, God, and myself like never before. The God Guarantee is one of those books."-- Chip Ingram, teaching pastor for Living on the Edge;author of The Real God
"Jack drills deeply into the topic of fear and helps us... move into the freedom of the abundant life Jesus promised."-- Ron Blue, founding director of Kingdom Advisors and Ronald Blue & Company;author of Master Your Money
"Far too often we base our security on our own efforts and stockpiled resources, rather than on God's repeated guarantee to care for his children. Jack Alexander insightfully illustrates how true security comes from knowing and believing in the Lord." -- Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family;author of The Good Dad
"Jack Alexander exposes fear as the underlying enemy of generous living and giving. He calls us to trust God and value community."-- Randy Alcorn, author of The Treasure Principle
Jack Alexander is chairman of the Reimagine Group and has rich experience leading a variety of businesses. A previous recipient of an Ernst & Young National Entrepreneur of the Year Award, he is a regular speaker, coach, and advisor. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Atlanta. They have three grown sons and five grandchildren.

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