By Pagán, Samuel

Jesucristo es el Senor: Cristologia del Nuevo Testamento (Spanish Edition)

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Availability: 29 in stock
Publisher: CLIE
ISBN: 9788418204944
Type: paperback

El libro Jesucristo es el Se?or, Cristolog?a del Nuevo Testamento, de Samuel Pag?n intenta identificar, analizar y explicar las afirmaciones teol?gicas neotestamentarias en torno a la vida y las acciones del Jes?s de los evangelios can?nicos, que nos permiten comprende la importante profesi?n de fe que declara sin inhibici?n que ?Jesucristo es el Se?or?.

El enfoque y esfuerzo fundamental del libro est? orientado a descubrir c?mo la teolog?a en torno a Jes?s de Nazaret tom? un giro extraordinario luego de la experiencia de la resurrecci?n. Una vez se difundi? la noticia de que la muerte de Jes?s no hab?a finalizado con las expectativas mesi?nicas de sus seguidores, la resurrecci?n de Cristo toma dimensi?n nueva.

Este libro explora la cristolog?a del Nuevo Testamento. Y esa vertiente teol?gica analiza la figura de Cristo, seg?n se revela en los evangelios can?nicos, la literatura epistolar y en las revelaciones apocal?pticas y visiones de Juan. Esa tradici?n cristol?gica en torno a Jes?s se revela inclusive al finalizar el canon del Nuevo Testamento. El vidente Juan, al comenzar la redacci?n de la revelaci?n divina, afirma de manera categ?rica la importancia de la revelaci?n de Jesucristo. Nuestro estudio en torno a Jesucristo el Se?or explorar? el desarrollo de la teolog?a referente al Cristo de Dios, desde la resurrecci?n hasta las revelaciones de Juan en el Apocalipsis.

Adem?s, estudiaremos los t?tulos cristol?gicos, los himnos de las iglesias primitivas y varias reflexiones pastorales que se incorporan en las cartas del ap?stol Pablo y sus seguidores. La finalidad es identificar y analizar el contenido teol?gico de esa gran declaraci?n de fe para explorar sus implicaciones contempor?neas.

Jesus Christ is Lord: Christology of the New Testament

The book Jesus Christ is Lord, Christology of the New Testament, by Samuel Pag?n attempts to identify, analyze and explain the New Testament theological affirmations about the life and actions of the Jesus of the canonical Gospels, which allow us to understand the important profession of faith that declares without inhibition that "Jesus Christ is Lord".

The fundamental focus and effort of the book is oriented to discover how the theology surrounding Jesus of Nazareth took an extraordinary turn after the experience of the resurrection. Once the news spread that Jesus' death had not ended the messianic expectations of his followers, the resurrection of Christ took on a new dimension.

This book explores the Christology of the New Testament. And that theological strand analyzes the figure of Christ, as revealed in the canonical Gospels, the epistolary literature, and in the apocalyptic revelations and visions of John. That Christological tradition around Jesus is revealed even at the end of the New Testament canon. The seer John, at the beginning of the writing of the divine revelation, categorically affirms the importance of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Our study of Jesus Christ the Lord will explore the development of the theology concerning the Christ of God from the resurrection to John's revelations in Revelation.

In addition, we will study the Christological titles, the hymns of the early churches and various pastoral reflections that are incorporated in the letters of the apostle Paul and his followers. The aim is to identify and analyze the theological content of this great statement of faith in order to explore its contemporary implications.

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