By Story, Laura

I Give Up Study Guide: The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life

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Availability: 1 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780310103875
Type: Paperback

Giving up control in little ways is uncomfortable for everyone. Giving up control in major facets of our daily life is the last thing any of us wants to do. But letting go of control trusting God over your entire life, that's called surrender---and whether we like it or not, it's the one sure way to experience abundant life.

Recording artist and bestselling author Laura Story demonstrates the unexpected joy found when we surrender it all to God and simply give up.

It's natural to want to be in control. Most of us can't easily accept the idea of giving up that control. But when your need for peace surpasses your desire to be in command of your life, God—who truly uses all things for our good—demonstrates how much we can trust him. The very act of completely surrendering our will to his can become the one act that will change your life forever. 

In the I Give Up Bible Study Guide (DVD/digital video sold separately)Laura uses a combination of Bible stories and personal experiences to teach you and your group what true surrender is—and what it's not: 

  • Surrender does not come naturally to any of us. 
  • Surrender is not acquiescing to an enemy who wants to dominate us. 
  • Surrender is not "My will be done!" 
  • Surrender makes it impossible for you, and the people around you, to stay the same. 


Though surrender sometimes flies in the face of our instincts, hopes, and dreams, it's never without benefit as God leads us into his peace that surpasses understanding. As Laura found in her own life, a surrendered life includes the surprise of a truly full and satisfying existence where trust is reasonable, reconciliation possible, and relationships can finally heal. 

Sessions include: 

  1. What Is Surrender Anyway?  
  2. God's Character Matters  
  3. Giving In and Up  
  4. Being Transformed  
  5. The Ripple Effect of Surrender  


 Designed for use with the I Give Up Video Study available on DVD or streaming video, sold separately. 

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