By Eileen Smith

Heart of a King

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Availability: 1 in stock
Condition: New with remainder mark
Publisher: Revell
ISBN: 9780800722401
Type: Paperback

Four women captured King Solomon's heart in different ways, and he indulges his desires despite warnings. For all his wisdom, do Solomon or the women he loved ever find what they were searching for?

King Solomon was wealthy and wise beyond measure. He could--and did--have anything he wanted, including many women from many lands. But for all his wisdom, did he or the women in his life ever find what they searched for all of their lives?

In this engrossing novel, you'll find yourself whisked away to ancient Israel, where you'll meet Solomon and four of the women he loved: Naamah the desert princess, Abishag the shepherdess, Siti the daughter of a pharaoh, and Nicaula the queen of Sheba. As you experience the world of Solomon through his eyes and the eyes of these women, you'll ask yourself the ultimate question: Did Solomon's wisdom ultimately benefit him and those he loved . . . or did it betray them?

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