By Timothy Paul Jones; Rose Publishing

Four Views of the End Times Leader Pack

DVD Small Group
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Availability: 1 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
New: New and unread.
Publisher: Rose Publishing
ISBN: 9781596364240
Type: dvd

Four Views of the End Times 6-session DVD Bible Study is a fantastic 6-session video that explains the 4 major ways Christians over the centuries have viewed Book of Revelation and the end times. This end-times group study is perfect for Bible studies, adult Sunday school curriculum, and Christian school Bible classes.

What Does this End-Times Bible Study Cover?
People want to know: What does the Bible actually say about the end times that lead to the return of Jesus Christ? The differing ideas that divide believers into four major points-of-view are examined in this 6-session Bible Study. This video Bible study tackles the four most popular eschatological views. It describes each end-times view objectively.


  • The DVD includes a PDF copy of the Leader’s Guide, which is also available separately (ISBN 9781596364257).
  • Each participant will need a Participant Guide (ISBN 9781596364264), available separately. It has all of the discussion questions, a summary of each session, diagrams and charts, and for those who wish to go deeper, additional information.
  • An optional PowerPoint presentation is also available to provide more in-depth information (ISBN 9781596363014 or UPC 031809070734).
  • The Complete Kit (ISBN 9781596364127 or UPC 031809035436) offers up each of these resources and more.

6 Sessions in Four Views of the End Times DVD Bible Study
The video portion of each session is 15-to-20 minutes. The optional discussion questions listed in the printable PDF Four Views DVD Leader Guide (included) give you enough information for 30-60 minutes of discussion.
  1. Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus, the Focus of the Gospel
  2. What do Christians Agree Upon When it Comes to the End of the World?
  3. Amillennialism
  4. Dispensational Premillennialism
  5. Historical Premillennialism
  6. Postmillennialism
Regular price $19.50
Regular price $29.99 Sale price $19.50