By Compiled by Barbour Staff

Cards of Kindness for Courageous Girls: Shareable Devotions and Inspiration

Regular price $4.90
Regular price $7.99 Sale price $4.90
Availability: 1 in stock
Publisher: Shiloh Kidz
ISBN: 9781643521640
Type: Paperback

Courageous Girls Are Kind!;Your heart will delight in spreading kindness and inspiration wherever you go with these shareable Cards of Kindness!;Flip each page to discover a positive life message that will both uplift and inspire your heart—and the hearts of other courageous girls just like you. Once you’ve read through the devotion and pondered the message of loving-kindness, tear out the card and pass it on to another girl.. who will then be encouraged to keep the "Courageous Girls Are Kind" movement passing the card along to yet another courageous girl!;Each Card of Kindness will spark positive, faith-building discussions with other likeminded girls. You’ll enjoy spreading kindness and God's love, page by delightful page!;Be blessed, COURAGEOUS GIRL!

Regular price $4.90
Regular price $7.99 Sale price $4.90