By Wiseman, Betty

Bounce the Balls & They Will Come: A Coach's Passion for the Great Commission

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Availability: 10 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
Publisher: New Hope Publishers
ISBN: 9781596692459
Type: paperback

Evangelism has many forms for today’s Christians. Some use tracts, others use memorized plans of salvation. Betty Wiseman uses a basketball.

Evangelism has many forms for today’s Christians. Some use tracts, others use memorized plans of salvation. Betty Wiseman uses a basketball. Sports evangelism has become increasingly popular in Third-World countries. Betty Wiseman, a Hall of Fame coach, is a walking, talking, dribbling testimony of this. She has led sports teams to numerous countries in South America and Europe and used a bouncing ball to tell a lost world about the love of Christ. Through her globe-trotting adventures, you will see just how simple sharing your faith can be when you use something you so dearly enjoy as a catalyst for evangelism.

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