By Fuquay, Rob

A New Reformation DVD: From Luther's World to Ours

Regular price $15.90
Regular price $39.99 Sale price $15.90
Availability: 2 in stock
Publisher: Abingdon Press
ISBN: 9781501864032
Type: DVD

Sola Fide! " Justified by faith alone"was a rallying cry of the Protestant Reformation is just as relevant and true for Christians today as it was in Martin Luther’s time. In A New Reformation, author Rob Fuquay introduces you to the life of Martin Luther and two important themes of the Reformation he sparked: the centrality of Scripture and the power of God’s grace. Through a close look into the life of Martin Luther and the world of sixteenth-century Europe, you will discover what makes Luther’s message revolutionary today—and how we can embrace reformation in the church and in our personal lives.;The six-session DVD features Rob Fuquay on location at key sites of the Reformation in Europe, including Prague, Dresden, Leipzig, Wittenberg, Erfut, Eiselben, Worms, and Mainz. Viewers will connect with the events and significance of the Reformation through these places as Fuquay guides them through the study. Each video segment is approximately 10-12 minutes in length and, when combined with the six book chapters, make an ideal six-week group study. All videos sessions are closed captioned.

Regular price $15.90
Regular price $39.99 Sale price $15.90