By Mounce, William D.

Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar

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Availability: 1 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310287681
Type: Hardcover

First published in 1993, Basics of Biblical Greek is the most popular introduction to the field, used in universities and seminaries around the world. Over 250,000 students have learned biblical Greek under its guidance. This significant third edition has been carefully developed in consultation with instructors, students, self-learners, and homeschoolers.


Users can now take advantage of the many improvements made to the book's website,, where they will find--for free--an online course that walks students through every chapter, vocabulary flashcards, video and audio helps, Greek fonts, quizzes for each chapter, fun songs and games, and much more.


Now in a larger size, with an attractive 2-color design, the third edition adds an element of fun, with encouragement, songs, and more, which appear in the margins. Chapter 35 has been split into two chapters, "half-time review" sections have been added to every chapter, and new exegesis sections are now included. These and other improvements serve to enhance the learning experience and will continue BBG's legacy as the premier introduction to biblical Greek.

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