By Gibson, Scott M. [Editor]

Preaching the Old Testament

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Availability: 1 in stock
Condition: New with remainder mark
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 9780801066238
Type: Paperback

Your guide to preaching the Old Testament with confidence and power
Preaching the Old Testament, which can seem harsh and foreign to modern listeners, can be a challenge. In fact, many preachers abandon it altogether because of the difficulties in making it understandable and relevant to those in the pews. But to appreciate the full depth and beauty of New Testament teaching we must build our foundation on an understanding of the Old Testament. The insights of the Hebrew language, poetry, historical narratives, and prophetic offerings were important to the writers of the New Testament, and they should be to us as well.
Preaching the Old Testament equips pastors to keep up on the Hebrew language, prepare to preach the various sections of the Old Testament, and see how it can be interpreted in light of its context and of our world today

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Regular price $17.00 Sale price $12.30
Krötke, Wolf; Burgess, John P. [Translator]; Hunsinger, George [Foreword];Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologians for a Post-Christian World
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