By Batterson, Mark

El hacedor de circulos: Como rodear de oracion nuestros principales anhelos y desafios (Spanish Edition)

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Availability: 27 in stock
Publisher: Vida
ISBN: 9780829762136
Type: paperback

?Cambiar?a tu manera de orar si supieras que tus oraciones van a ser contestadas? El pastor Mark Batterson presenta poderosas ideas tomadas de la leyenda hist?rica de Honi, el Hacedor de C?rculos, un creyente que cre?a que Dios puede hacer milagros. Tanto lo cre?a, que trazaba c?rculos en el suelo y no sal?a de ellos hasta que Dios contestaba sus oraciones por su pueblo. ?Hay alg?n gran sue?o imposible al que Dios te est? retando para que le dibujes un c?rculo?

El pastor Mark Batterson sostiene en su libro ?C?rculos de oraci?n? que dibujar c?rculos de oraci?n alrededor de nuestros sue?os no es s?lo un mecanismo que nos permite lograr grandes cosas para Dios. ?l tambi?n lo utiliza para lograr grandes cosas en nosotros. ?Alguna vez has sentido que tiene que haber muchas posibilidades m?s en tu oraci?n, y en la visi?n de Dios para tu vida? Te invitamos a aprender de Honi, El hacedor de c?rculos, un hombre lo suficientemente audaz para dibujar un circulo en la arena y no salirse de ?l mientras Dios no contestara sus oraciones por su pueblo. ?Cu?l es ese gran sue?o imposible a cuyo alrededor Dios te est? llamando a trazar un c?rculo?

Would knowing that your prayers will be answered change the way you pray? In The Circle Maker, Pastor Mark Batterson shares powerful insights from the true legend of Honi the Circle Maker, a believer who prayed miracles would happen to the people of God?and then they fell from the heavens like rain. Honi and Mark Batterson will help you bring your God-given dreams into being through bold, tenacious prayers that honor God and make the impossible come true.

According to Pastor Mark Batterson in his book, The Circle Maker, ?Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn?t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It?s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.? Do you ever sense that there?s far more to prayer, and to God?s vision for your life, than what you?re experiencing? It?s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker?a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from inside it until God answered his prayers for his people. What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around? Sharing inspiring stories from his own experiences as a circle maker, Mark Batterson will help you uncover your heart?s deepest desires and God.

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