By Amerine, Jami

Sacred Ground, Sticky Floors: How Less-Than-Perfect Parents Can Raise (Kind of) Great Kids

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Availability: 2 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 9780736970617
Type: Paperback

Jami Amerine, author of Stolen Jesus, returns with an eye-opening and totally relatable account of her experiences as a mom. Join her in discovering how to let your Heavenly Father parent you, so you can embrace peace as you parent.

"If, like me, you've stepped on a Lego while barefoot, it can be difficult to wrap your mind around the divine qualities of the path beneath your feet." Jami Amerine

Come find the miracle in the mayhem.

As moms, we know we've messed up in so many ways. Royally. Maybe you think you've failed your children, your spouse, and your God.

But did you know that in the midst of your failures and fears, you are still loved—royally? As a child of noble birth? Do you believe your children are in better hands than your own and that you don't need to hold on so desperately?

Jami Amerine, author of Stolen Jesus, delivers a totally relatable account of her hilarious and honest experiences and misadventures in motherhood. She's eager to help you see how to let your Heavenly Father parent you, so you can embrace peace as you parent your children.

Come meet with the One whose presence turns sticky floors into sacred ground.

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