By Carder, Dave

Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage

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Availability: 1 in stock
Condition: New with remainder mark
Publisher: Northfield Publishing
ISBN: 9780802442116
Type: Paperback

Never say never; because just when you think your marriage is safe from adultery is when you may be the most vulnerable. Dave Carder, counselor, author of the bestselling Torn Asunder (100,000 in print), and a sought-after expert on issues of adultery. Now, with eye-opening stories, clinical insights, and up-to-date data, he reveals what adulterers learned the hard way- and want the rest of us to know. For example, every spouse has a &quotDangerous Partner Profile&quot of the kind of person who tempts them. Close Calls should be on every church leader’s and marriage counselor’s required reading list. Includes charts and assessments.

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Carder, Dave M.; Henslin, Earl R; Townsend, John S.; Cloud, William Henry; Swindoll, Chuck [Foreword]Unlocking Your Family
Unlocking Your Family