By Andrew E. Arterbury; W. H. Jr. Bellinger; Derek S. Dodson

Engaging the Christian Scriptures: An Introduction to the Bible

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Availability: 30 in stock
Condition: New with remainder mark
Publisher: Baker Academic
ISBN: 9781540962256
Type: Paperback

This one-semester textbook aids students as they engage in their first reading of the biblical text in an academic setting. Now updated and revised throughout.

This readable, faith-friendly, one-semester textbook aids students as they engage in their first reading of the biblical text in an academic setting. The authors, who have significant undergraduate teaching experience, approach the Christian Scriptures from historical, literary, and theological perspectives. Text boxes, illustrations, maps, and suggestions for further reading are included. This new edition incorporates professor and student feedback, adds a glossary, has been revised throughout, and is supplemented by updated and expanded web-based pedagogical resources.

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Arterbury, Andrew E.; Bellinger, W. H. Jr.; Dodson, Derek S.Engaging the Christian Scriptures: An Introduction to the Bible
Engaging the Christian Scriptures: An Introduction to the Bible