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Vendor:Stetzer, Ed; Dodson, Mike
Comeback Churches: How 300 Churches Turned Around and Yours Can, Too
Regular price $12.60Regular price$17.99-30%Sale price $12.60 -
Vendor:Michelén, Sugel
El cuerpo de Cristo: '¿Por que debo ser un miembro de la iglesia local? (Spanish Edition)
Regular price $11.70Regular price$14.99-22%Sale price $11.70 -
Vendor:Kricher, Lee D.; Andy Stanley [Foreword]
For a New Generation: A Practical Guide for Revitalizing Your Church
Regular price $5.20Regular price$15.99-67%Sale price $5.20 -
Vendor:George, Carl F.; Bird, Warren
How to Break Growth Barriers: Revise Your Role, Release Your People, and Capture Overlooked Opportunities for Your Church
Regular price $11.40Regular price$22.00-48%Sale price $11.40 -
Vendor:Stevens, Todd; Stevens, Erin; Refraction
How to Pick Up a Stripper and Other Acts of Kindness: Serving People Just as They Are (Refraction)
Regular price $3.50Regular price$14.99-77%Sale price $3.50 -
Vendor:Robinson, Bill; Eugene Peterson and Eric Peterson [Foreword]
Incarnate Leadership: 5 Leadership Lessons from the Life of Jesus
Regular price $6.00Regular price$16.99-65%Sale price $6.00 -
Vendor:Stanley, Andy
Irresistible Study Guide: Reclaiming the New That Jesus Unleashed for the World
Regular price $5.90Regular price$12.99-55%Sale price $5.90 -
Vendor:Stanley, Andy
Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World
Regular price $9.00Regular price$25.99-65%Sale price $9.00 -
Vendor:Stanley, Andy
Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World *Acceptable*
Regular price $6.10Regular price$25.99-77%Sale price $6.10 -
Vendor:Stanley, Andy
Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World *Very Good*
Regular price $6.20Regular price$25.99-76%Sale price $6.20 -
Vendor:Groeschel, Craig; Delffs, Dudley [Primary Contributor]
Lead Like It Matters Workbook: Seven Leadership Principles for a Church That Lasts
Regular price $8.00Regular price$19.99-60%Sale price $8.00 -
Vendor:Groeschel, Craig
Lead Like It Matters: 7 Leadership Principles for a Church That Lasts
Regular price $16.60Regular price$28.99-43%Sale price $16.60 -
Vendor:Groeschel, Craig
Lo esencial de un buen lider: Siete principios para una iglesia que perdura (Spanish Edition)
Regular price $10.40Regular price$14.99-31%Sale price $10.40 -
Vendor:Groeschel, Craig
Lo esencial de un buen lider: Siete principios para una iglesia que perdura (Spanish Edition) *Very Good*
Regular price $10.50Regular price$14.99-30%Sale price $10.50 -
Vendor:Burnette, Mike; Driver, John; Chris Hodges [Foreword]
Parable Church: How the Teachings of Jesus Shape the Culture of Our Faith
Regular price $5.60Regular price$18.99-71%Sale price $5.60 -
Vendor:Davis, Andrew M.; Dever, Mark [Foreword]
Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again
Regular price $6.30Regular price$15.99-61%Sale price $6.30 -
Vendor:Davis, Andrew M.; Dever, Mark [Foreword]
Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again *Very Good*
Regular price $7.50Regular price$17.00-56%Sale price $7.50 -
Vendor:Rainer, Thom S.
Scrappy Church: God's Not Done Yet
Regular price $5.40Regular price$12.99-58%Sale price $5.40 -
Vendor:Osborne, Larry
Sticky Church (Leadership Network Innovation Series)
Regular price $9.60Regular price$18.99-49%Sale price $9.60 -
Vendor:Harvey, Dave
Stronger Together: Seven Partnership Virtues and the Vices that Subvert Them (Exponential Series)
Regular price $8.80Regular price$19.99-56%Sale price $8.80