By Sollereder, Bethany N.; Alister E. McGrath [Foreword]

Why Is There Suffering?: Pick Your Own Theological Expedition

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Availability: 13 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310109020
Type: Paperback

A unique book that allows readers to "choose their path" in reading about the nature of God and suffering, allowing them to explore the various options and see their implications for life and belief.

Your journey begins. The road before you is smooth and straight. You walk for some time, recalling your experiences that call into question the deep realities of life. Up ahead, you can see the road branching in three directions. . .

In Why Is There Suffering? you, reader, control the route you take through its "choose-your-own-path" chapters, asking questions and exploring different theological possibilities on the big topics of:

  • God's existence
  • God's nature
  • The nature of suffering
  • Evil
  • Pain
  • Final destiny


Taking an intentionally light-hearted approach to a heavy topic this book presents an illustrative introduction to the problem of suffering and the most commonly offered responses to it. Along the road, you'll face multiple possibilities regarding suffering and its theological explanations, and you'll make choices about which one you find most plausible, skipping to that section of the book. Each decision you make leads to further complexities and new choices that reveal how theological beliefs lead to certain conclusions.

This book does not offer final answers. Instead, it introduces the "theological" possibilities—both Christian and non-Christian—that you can explore and wrestle with to make informed decisions about your beliefs and clearly see the road you've taken to reach such beliefs.

You are, of course, in control of the paths you take through these pages. You decide which explanations work. You can always go back and see what would change if you'd taken a different path. And, who knows. . .you may find that certain pathways resonate with your experiences in ways you didn't expect.

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