By Duvall, J. Scott; Hays, J. Daniel

Journey into God's Word: Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible

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Availability: 5 in stock
Condition: New publisher's return
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310275138
Type: Paperback

Life is a journey, and like any journey, it requires an accurate, reliable roadmap to get us where we need to go. God has provided such a guide in his Word. But just as a navigator needs to learn how to interpret all the contours and symbols of a map, so also we need to be able to understand how the Bible communicates its directions to us. Journey Into God’s Word helps Bible readers acquire these skills and become better at reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible to life. This abridgment of the bestselling college/seminary textbook Grasping God’s Word takes the proven principles from that book and makes them accessible to people in the church. It starts with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts. Hands-on exercises guide readers through the interpretation process, with an emphasis on real-life application.

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