By Sherman, Robert

Covenant, Community, and the Spirit: A Trinitarian Theology of Church

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Availability: 5 in stock
Condition: New with remainder mark
Publisher: Baker Academic
ISBN: 9780801049743
Type: Paperback

This comprehensive textbook on ecclesiology demonstrates the importance of the Holy Spirit in empowering the being and mission of the church.

This comprehensive textbook by a well-respected Reformed theologian brings together two perennial issues in Christian theology: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and ecclesiology. It demonstrates the importance of the Holy Spirit in empowering the being and mission of the church and shows how the church's identity and calling are embedded in the larger covenantal purposes of the triune God. Accessibly written with pastors in training in mind, the book probes the classic rubrics of the church as the people of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit, igniting readers' ecclesiological imaginations and reclaiming a more biblical, theological, and pastoral vision of church.

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