Publisher: Baker Academic
ISBN: 9780801049668
Type: Paperback
In this updated edition of his successful textbook, a leading evangelical New Testament scholar offers a guide to the book of Romans that is informed by current scholarship and written at an accessible level. The new edition has been updated throughout and features a new interior design. After addressing introductory matters and laying the groundwork for reading Romans, Douglas Moo leads readers through the weighty argument of this significant book, highlighting key themes, clarifying difficult passages, and exploring the continuing relevance of Romans. As with other volumes in the well-received Encountering Biblical Studies series, this book is designed for the undergraduate classroom and includes pedagogical aids such as photos and sidebars.
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About the Series
Each volume in the Encountering Biblical Studies series is designed for classroom use and includes a number of helpful features, including a bibliography, key terms, chapter objectives, chapter outlines, sidebars, and illustrations.
To the Student
Part 1: Encountering an Ancient Letter: Romans 1:1-17
1. Getting Oriented: What Is Romans Really About?
2. Paul and the Romans
3. The Gospel of God: Romans 1:1-17
Part 2: Encountering the Human Dilemma: Romans 1:18-3:20
4. God's Wrath against Sinners: Romans 1:18-32
5. Jews Are "without Excuse": Romans 2:1-29
6. The Universal Power of Sin: Romans 3:1-20
Part 3: Encountering God's Provision in Christ: Romans 3:21-4:25
7. God's Righteousness in Christ: Romans 3:21-31
8. The Faith of Abraham: Romans 4:1-25
Part 4: Encountering Life and Hope in Christ: Romans 5:1-8:39
9. Rejoicing in Life and Hope:
Romans 5:1-21
10. Freedom from the Power of Sin: Romans 6:1-23
11. Freedom from the Law: Romans
12. Life and Hope through the Spirit:
Romans 8:1-39
Part 5: Encountering the Relationship between Israel and the Gospel: Romans 9:1-11:36
13. Israel and the Plan of God:
Romans 9:1-29
14. Israel, the Gentiles, and the
Righteousness of God: Romans
15. The Future of Israel: Romans
Part 6: Encountering the Transforming Power of the Gospel: Romans 12:1-15:13
16. The Christian Mind-Set: Romans
17. Citizens of the World and Citizens of Heaven: Romans
18. A Plea for Unity in the Church:
Romans 14:1-15:13
Part 7: Encountering the Letter's Conclusion: Romans 15:14-16:27
19. Additional Comments on the
Concluding Material: Romans